Pricing 2024

Publishing ads on Smart-Propylaia is free of charge and will remain free. We also offer two optional paid subscriptions that provide additional options.
Unlimited number of published adverts
Unlimited number of deactivations and reactivations
Duplicate adverts
Set ad on standby
Number of images per advert
Choice of advert title
Adverts can be published in German, French, Italian, English
Interface to CRM via IDX, SwissRets
Interface with own API
Company address and telephone number visible
Company logo visible with web link
Other adverts of the company offered on your own adverts
Enhancement of new projects, promotions, first lettings
Own company page that displays adverts
As a vertical banner on your adverts
20 CHF/day
10 CHF/day
As a horizontal banner on your adverts
20 CHF/day
Issue of a press release
20 CHF/press release
Issue of your listings in the magazine with nationwide distribution
10% discount
Placement of your adverts in the magazine with nationwide distribution
10% discount, concept on request
Issue of your publicity report in the magazine with nationwide distribution
10% discount, concept on request
API available for your developer
Website that displays your adverts via iframe
Company website that integrates your adverts directly
10% discount
20% discount
All prices are exclusive of taxes

Price stability

The prices for publishing on Smart Propylaia, Basic and Plus modules, are guaranteed for a period of up to 5 years from the effective date of the contract, with no price changes.

Your subscription comes into force upon receipt of your payment. Unless cancelled, your subscription will be tacitly renewed from year to year.

The prices listed above are valid for the current year.